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Lifewise Homecare Services helps people lead an independent life in their own home. We work with older people and those living with a disability along their path to self-sufficiency.

We help you or your loved one

Growing older, living with a disability or becoming unwell is difficult to face. Leaving your home be even more traumatic. Lifewise Homecare Service is here to help you or your loved one.

We’ve found that today, there’s less traditional support from the local community and extended family. More people feel isolated and overwhelmed. That’s where Homecare Services can make a difference. Our support helps people keep living independently or get back on their feet after illness or an operation.

Homecare Services make daily life easier

Homecare Services helps with critical everyday tasks at home and with getting out and about.

We help with:

  • Housework
  • Personal care
  • Shopping
  • Carer support
  • Respite care
Washing Hands
A happy elderly couple embracing

We create a plan to suit each person

Lifewise support is customised to suit your needs – from a one-hour weekly visit to daily help over several hours.

Our goal is to help people become as independent as they can. Assistance can include helping people with a task, doing it for them, or teaching them how to do it for themselves.

Our workers are full of heart

Lifewise Homecare workers are at the heart of what we do. Each month our Homecare workers ring over 20,000 doorbells. They’re often the only visitors people receive. It’s immensely satisfying work. If you’d like to find out about becoming a Homecare worker, please contact us.


You can call us about our services for older people

You can call us on 09 623 7631 for all enquiries about our services for older people.
Please leave a message and we will do our best to respond within 24 hours. Please be patient as our lines are very busy.

Lifewise Homecare Success Stories

I have been a Lifewise client for almost 15 years, and my experience with Lifewise has been good.
I adore my permanent Homecare worker, and I prefer not to have relief workers when my permanent worker is away.
Because of my health, I would never have been able to cope without support from Lifewise.
I feel that the support over the years has helped me maintain my quality of life and independence.
I feel Lifewise represents compassion.

Colleen Macefield

I am very thankful for the support that I receive from Lifewise. I feel that I would never have been able to get back on my feet without the help of Lifewise.
I am a naturally organised person, and Lifewise staff have shown me that I could continue being organised. The staff always treat me with dignity and respect.
I find it very hard to depend on other people. However, Lifewise has helped me accept that I can't do as much as I did in the past.
Before I joined Lifewise, I felt vulnerable and lonely – I feel that Lifewise has turned this around, and I now feel safe and loved. I have learnt a lot from the staff, and they keep me connected to the world out there.
Lifewise is my rock.

Marjorie Marshall

After being discharged from hospital last year, I was referred to Lifewise for some extra home-based help.
Because of her health, my wife is unable to support with heavy household tasks.
My health requires that I live in a clean and dust-free environment. The support from Lifewise has enabled me to do this.
Both my wife and I are very grateful for the support.
It has made my life less stressful, and reduced stress benefits my health and improves my quality of life.
The service Lifewise provides is exemplary.

Jock Orbell

I’ve been appointed as Nicole’s guardian. We have been using the Individualised Funding module to manage Nicole’s care.
It took a while to get to know the system, and it will probably take some time before we can use it to its full potential.
Individualised Funding has enabled us to get the kind of care that will eventually help Nicole become more independent.
I find all of the office staff extremely friendly and helpful. Sabrin has been very helpful.
Lifewise has tremendous potential.

Carmel McLaughlin

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