Applying for jobs can be difficult even when you have a life’s worth of experience to draw on. But it’s that much harder when you’re young and don’t have work experience under your belt.
Cara* came to us for help because she wanted to get a job in hospitality. We helped her to work on her CV, prepare for interviews, and showed her how to apply for jobs.
Cara applied for every job she could find, but she didn’t hear back from any of the places she applied to. When she asked why, she was told it was because she didn’t have any work experience.
Lifewise and Youthline find that the vast majority of young people we support do want to work.
The trouble is many employers aren’t willing to take a chance on a young person who may not have any prior experience or training. This leaves young people between a rock and a hard place!
*Names have been changed
Lifewise and Youthline have teamed up to shine a light on the issue of youth homelessness in New Zealand to mark Youth Homelessness Matters Day 2015.