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Toitu Te Tiriti hīkoi


Yesterday was a historic point in our nation’s history as tens of thousands of Kiwis joined the Toitu Te Tiriti movement and marched upon parliament to voice their opposition to the “Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill”.

In solidarity, last night Lifewise CE Haehaetu Barrett spoke in front of a packed audience at a hui organised by Te Ohu Whakawhanaunga at St Mathew-in-the-city. Te Ohu Whakawhanaunga is a collective of like-minded people from community, union, faith, and other relevant groupings. Their vision is to build a broad-based alliance that will bring a new organising model to the challenge of growing community voice and power. This vision offers hope that after 30 years of failure through deficit models of social change, something new can emerge.

As always, Haehaetu’s message was poignant; she spoke with passion and mana. She acknowledged the sacrifice of the 28th Māori Battalion, reminded us of the wrongs of the past and the impact on our whānau today. She reminded us why so many New Zealanders came together over the past two weeks across the country as united, not divided, to voice their opposition to the “Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill”.

This movement is a testament to our nation’s spirit and the enduring fight for justice and equality.

Watch the full video here: